Site specific installation by Mariko Mori
Primal Rhythm – Sun Pillar _ Miyako Island, Okinawa Site specific installation by Mariko Mori
Primal Rhythm is a permanent monumental installation by Mariko Mori gifted by Faou Foundation to Gaia Art Association. It highlights the natural beauty of Seven Light Bay, located on Miyako Island in Okinawa, Japan.
With the help of local residents and a team of engineers, Sun Pillar was successfully installed in August of 2011. Towering over the bay at 13 feet, nine inches, the artwork is a massive 2.9 tons of layered acrylic.
Like all construction phases of Primal Rhythm, the installation was implemented using only human power so as to not disturb the bay’s delicate coral and rock formations.
By cooperating with the ocean, wave, and tidal conditions, the artwork was set entirely in place without the use of any machinery—a truly remarkable feat.
On December 22, 2011, the day of the winter solstice, Faou foundation held a ceremonial performance by artist Mariko Mori on Miyako Island. For this unique occasion a short film was created to express the importance of sharing our surroundings with the earth and to present the concept of earth-consciousness.
Client: Faou Foundation | Starring: Mariko Mori
Directed: by Leo Pellegatta
Film stills from Primal Rhythm| Inauguration ceremony

Site specific work by Mariko Mori
Miyako Island – Okinawa, Japan