TROPICAL TREE @ KG+ Associated program | KYOTOGRAPHIE 2016



TROPICAL TREE - Leo Pellegatta ©2015

“Tu vas planter l’arbre dont tu as rêvé, ton arbre des

tropiques, dans cette terre que tu peux voir et toucher,

ici même, et ses terribles fleurs rouges rempliront tout

le jardin qui ne connaitra plus d’automne ni d’hiver”

Yukio Mishima – L’Arbre des Tropiques (1959)

Tropical Tree is inspired by the 1960`s play Nettaiju by Yukio Mishima. In this play a tragic drama takes place amid the uncluttered minimalist setting of a Japanese garden, inside of which a mysterious tropical tree is rising outrageously. Throughout a visual and musical undertaking, the exhibition opens up Mishima`s literary work to an imaginary landscape, and extends the horizon to several themes and allegories associated with the tree, such as: the memory, the family, the conflict between nature and society, and the widespread idea in several world’s mythologies of a sacred Tree of life…

Exhibition dates: 2016/4/22 – 2016/5/22

Aēsop Kawaramachi – KYOTO

327 Shioya-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8027

Tel: +81 (0)75-708-7605

Mon to Sun 11am – 7pm


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LIVE PERFORMANCE on 2016/5/22nd | MYORENJI temple

レオナルド・ペレガッタ|映像作家、写真家 / 書家 白石雪妃 プロフィール /

ニコラ・ラフェレリー|ギタリスト・作曲家 / 今西玲子(箏・声)/

井原季子( 鳳笙・唄) / + special guests


妙蓮寺 / MYORENJI temple

〒602-8418 上京区妙蓮寺前町875

Tel: +81 75-451-3527 /

LIVE event organised with the kind cooperation of Anewal gallery*